
Mr. Denis Rutoh

Head Of Subject

Biology is the study of life in all its forms, from the tiniest microbes to the grandeur of ecosystems. It encompasses the diversity of living organisms, the intricacies of their structures and functions, and the fascinating processes that sustain life on our planet. In our classrooms and laboratories, we delve into the mysteries of genetics, evolution, ecology, and physiology. We uncover the mechanisms that underlie biological phenomena, from the molecular interactions within cells to the complex dynamics of ecosystems. Through hands-on experiments and research projects, we not only deepen our understanding of the natural world but also cultivate the critical thinking skills essential for scientific inquiry. As students of biology, you have the opportunity to explore the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to our understanding of the living world. Whether you aspire to become researchers, healthcare professionals, educators, or environmental advocates, the skills and insights you gain in our courses will serve you well in any path you choose.

Department Members