Business Studies

Mr. Wilcken Korir

Head Of Subject

Business studies encompass a diverse range of disciplines, from management and marketing to finance, accounting, and beyond. In our department, we are dedicated to preparing our students for success in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of business. We encourage critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, empowering our students to become agile problem-solvers and effective leaders in a global marketplace. But business studies are more than just academic subjects; they are pathways to opportunity and economic empowerment. They provide the tools and knowledge needed to launch startups, lead multinational corporations, and drive innovation and growth in communities around the world. As students of business studies, you have the opportunity to become agents of change and drivers of economic prosperity. Whether you aspire to become entrepreneurs, executives, consultants, or policymakers, the skills and insights you gain in our courses will equip you to navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence and competence.

Department Members